Chief Investigator: Prof Hayley Hutchings (Swansea University)


Gauging the impact of COVID-19 on Gastroenterology Services in Bangladesh

Funder: DHSC/UKRI Global Effort on COVID-19 (GECO) Health Research


Bangladesh is a poor country. It is 40% smaller than the UK with nearly three times the population (165 million people live there). Many people suffer from illnesses that affect their liver and gut. These illnesses cause about one third of all hospital stays and there are not enough specialists to treat these conditions. The Bangladesh authorities do not collect much data about diseases and deaths. Over a quarter of a million people in Bangladesh have had COVID-19 and more than 3,000 deaths. More than 100 doctors have died and these estimates are likely low. Not many patients go to hospital and people do not like reporting that a person has died from COVID-19 at home. Our aim is to set up a research network through the Bangladesh Gastroenterology Society. We will send questionnaires to all specialist units and general hospitals to find out how COVID-19 is affecting gastrointestinal services. We will keep records of when COVID-19 occurs, how it affects the liver and gut and what happens to patients. We will use this knowledge to suggest ways to develop services and to make plans for dealing with future pandemics. This work will form the basis of a long-term plan for more research into diseases of the liver and gut in Bangladesh.

Contact Details

Trial Manager / Lead Contact: Dr Kym Carter
Phone: 01792 606372