Chief Investigator: Professor Andrew Carson-Stevens (Cardiff University), Professor Helen Snooks (Swansea University)


What works to improve SafeTy, pAtient experience, outcomes and costs reLated to deLayed ambulance handovers at Emergency Departments?  A whole system approach

There has been a problem in the UK and other countries for many years, that at busy times Emergency Departments (ED) become unable to manage the flow of patients.  Patients remain in the ambulance, sometimes for several hours. In some areas this practice is rare, in others it is common.  When ambulances are queuing, patients are not receiving full ED care and ambulances are unavailable, so there are ‘knock-on’ effects on patients and staff throughout the urgent and emergency care system.

We aim to provide evidence about what works to reduce harms related to ambulance queuing.


Please see the STALLED website for further information.

Contact Details

Trial Manager / Lead Contact: Mark Kingston
Phone: 01792 606844
